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The Aristotig 200/255 AC/DC are inverter-based power sources for TIG and MMA processes. In both DC and AC mode, this TIG machine produces a safe start and a stable arc.
The Aristotig 200/255 have a built-in pulse device, which provides improved control of the weld pool. Using true square wave produces deeper penetration. At the same time, it is possible to weld without continuous HF and thus work in electronically sensitive areas. The trigger operation can be selected as two-stroke or two four-stroke options, one of which permits switching between two pre-programmed current settings.

Delivery includes
5 m of mains cable, 2 m of gas hose with 2 hose clamps, 1 OKC cable connector and 5 m of return cable.

  DTE 200 DTE 255
Weight, kg 45 45
Mains supply, V/Hz 400/3/50-60 400/3/50-60
Fuse, slow, A 10 16
Mains cable, Ø mm2 4x1,5 4x1,5
Max output at 35% duty cycle, MMA, A 200 
Max output at 50% duty cycle, A 250 
Max output at 60% duty cycle, MMA, A 150  225 
Open circuit voltage, V 70-90 70-90 (DC)
Setting range, A 5-200  5-250 (MMA/TIG AC/DC) 
Pulse frequency, Hz 0,3-300 DC 100 AC* 0,3-300 DC 100 AC*
AC balance, % 40-80 40-80
Slope up, s 0-10 0-10
Slope down, s 0-10 0-10
Gas pre-flow, s 0,3 (0-5 s) 0,3 (0-5 s)
Gas post-flow, s 3-30 3-30




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